Throughout the ages, home remedies have been used to treat and reduce the symptoms of many medical conditions. These simple and organic cures can be found around your home, in your local grocery stores, herbal stores and even planted in your garden. Herbal medicines, as the name suggests, are made from herbs that contain certain components, chemicals and extracts that could be beneficial to our bodies that can make a person feel better naturally.
These alternative cures are 100% natural in their ingredients? The goal of using these herbs are to heal our bodies in a more natural method. Using these treatments we are able to avoid many harmful chemicals that modern medications out in the market may contain. They could also boost the immune system to fight off infections.
Although natural herbal remedies are said to work wonders on our bodies and have been passed on from generation to generation, there are some old-time favorite homemade cures that instead of helping treat an ailment, could actually hurt or worsen your condition. So save yourself the trip to your doctor and read on to get vital information on alternative natural remedies gone wrong!
Hydrogen Peroxide We’ve always been convinced to think that when we put hydrogen peroxide on our wound, the bubbles that start to form is a sign that it’s killing the germs inside of it. That’s actually a wrong notion. This solution is an agent to clean a wound of debris and not an agent to kill the germs. The right way to use this: After you clean out your wound with this solution, use an antiseptic solution such as rubbing alcohol to clean out the harmful microorganisms that may be dwelling inside your wound. You can then put a dab of antibiotic ointment on it and cover with a Band-Aid or gauze with micropore tape to secure it in place.
Butter used on burns Butter right out of your refrigerator is said to be effective on soothing a burn for quicker healing. The truth is, butter isn’t always going to soothe our burns. What butter can actually do is trap the heat around the burnt area and may increase the risk of infection. The right way to treat a burn: To treat a burn correctly is to cool the affected area. When the term “cool” is used don’t misinterpret it with literally placing ice on it because ice can lead to further damage our tissues. For minor burns in which the outer layer is affected, try cooling the burning for 10-15 minutes. Immerse it in cool water and afterwards apply a thin smear of antibiotic cream on it and cover it with gauze so the wound can still breathe.
Syrup of Ipecac
When someone gets poisoned the first thing we think of when we are at home is to use syrup of ipecac. Since this is one of the extensive natural cures, this plant-derived cure is an irritant to the stomach and could stimulate a person to vomit. But The American Academy of Pediatrics or AAP recommends that this syrup should no longer be used as a home poisoning remedy. The right thing to do in cases of poisoning: The American Association of Poison Control Centers (AAPCC) and The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) acclaims that in any poisoning situation, the Poison Center should be called and notified as soon as possible. Be aware of the Poison Control Centers around your area by researching about it online or in your phonebook. It differs from location to location.
Castor Oil By Pete Markham from Loretto, [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia CommonsCastor oil is a known natural remedy to help in digesting the food we eat and help us go to the bathroom to eliminate wastes from inside our digestive systems. It is a stimulant laxative which causes muscles of our intestines to contract and expel wastes. It is fast-acting and could be considered one of the most powerful digestive aids out there. Side effects such as nausea, abdominal cramping and diarrhea may occur and if taken for long periods of time, it could aggravate constipation. Over use could lead to damage to the digestive system. The right way to use this: Consider the idea of using castor oil as the last resort. Talk to your doctor before considering using this natural remedy because your doctor may have a more effective remedy for constipation.
Whiskey It has been said that whiskey could help alleviate tooth or gum pain. We’ve even heard that when babies are going through the painful teething process, putting a small amount of whiskey to rub against the baby’s gums could soothe the pain. The cold hard truth is when there is tooth pain, the nerve deep down inside is inflamed and rubbing whiskey won’t do the job. The right thing to do: If you feel tooth or gum pain, the most helpful thing to do is to call your dentist because it is their job to be there for your oral needs. (And save the whiskey for entertainment purposes!)
Although there are some home remedies that may be harmful if not used correctly or combined with certain medications, there are still a lot more of these remedies that are beneficial to our health.
If your doctor gives you the thumbs up in using herbal medicines, then go for it because alternative home remedies could be the answer in curing your mild medical ailments.