When you hear the word heart vitamins and minerals… what comes into mind? Usually the first thing that comes to mind is something to do with promoting good health. You could also get the idea of vitamins and minerals being a source of providing essential needs to our bodies to function optimally. The real definition is that vitamins and minerals are substances that our body needs to develop and grow at its best.
All in all, there are 13 vitamins essential to our body’s needs. These vitamins are Vitamins A, C, D E, K, B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, biotin, vitamin B-6, vitamin B-12 and folate). Vitamins have individual jobs in the body. Lacking and having an intake of excessive amounts of vitamins could cause medical conditions that could have significant changes to the body’s proper functioning. You can find these vitamins in a vitamin supplement or different variations of food sources.
Our goal is to have a good healthy heart because our heart of one of the most vital organs in our body. Our heart is the core muscle in the entire cardiovascular system and we have to keep it strong and pumping. So doing all the necessary means to keep it healthy is what we need to learn all about. Finding those healthy alternative solutions to have a healthy cardiovascular system is what we aim for.
The following vitamins are essential for our heart’s well-being:
Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is important for the maintenance and well-being of all the body tissues. It fights off infection and helps in reducing blood cholesterol. This vitamin could be found in potatoes, oranges, red clover, berries, asparagus, grapefruit tomatoes.
Vitamin E.
This vitamin protects the cells in our body that could be affected from free radicals, which could be a risk factor in different types of cancers. It could also be beneficial in lowering cholesterol and preventing clogs in the vessels leading to the heart. The foods that are rich in vitamin E are kiwi, mangoes, spinach, broccoli, hazelnuts, peanut butter and almonds. The recommended required intake of this vitamin for both men and women is at least 15mg daily. For children, at least 7mg (for 4 year olds) and 6mg (1 to 3 years old). This is the essential requirement for optimal heart health.
Vitamin B1 (Thiamine). (All B vitamins are effective stress relievers)
This vitamin helps in enhancing circulation of blood flow, blood formation and carbohydrate metabolism. It is also said to enhance the brains functioning. Thiamine also protects the heart muscle. Valuable sources of thiamine are whole grains, cereals, nuts, peas, legumes, milk, egg, apples and bananas.
Vitamin B3 (Niacin)
Niacin is vital in regulating and maintaining the proper functioning of the circulatory system. It also helps in synthesizing the sex hormones. It could help out in mental conditions and enhances our memory. Rich sources of Niacin are beef liver, cheeses, carrots, dates, broccoli, eggs, milk, peanuts, potatoes, tomatoes and wheat germ.
Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
For the production of hemoglobin (the substance in the blood that carries oxygen throughout the entire body’s organs), vitamin B6 is an essential component. This can also maintain our blood sugar levels at its normal range. Chicken breasts, pork loin, roast beef, garbanzo beans, oatmeal, ready to eat cereals, avocados, soybeans, lima beans and bananas are the foods that are high in vitamin B6.
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
Folic acid, in coordination with vitamin B12 is vital for the formation of red blood cells in the blood. It is important for the growth and division of the cell’s in the body to help out in the healing process. Folic acid can be found in the foods such as nuts, liver, green leafy vegetables, brewer’s yeast and mushrooms.
Vitamin B12 (Cyanocoblamin)
For the synthesis of red blood cells and the maintenance of our nervous system, vitamin B12 is very important. Low levels of this vitamin can result in anemia and neuropathy (the degeneration of the nerve fibers which could cause nerve damage). Vitamin B12 is crucial in maintaining our blood flow to reach the organs in our body. This vitamin can be found in meat, dairy products, eggs, soy products and algae products.
Vitamin D.
This vitamin is well known for playing a vital role in healthy bones. A daily intake of vitamin D can help in the absorption in calcium to help keep our bones strong. Vitamin D can also play an important role in reducing cardiovascular diseases and reduces high cholesterol levels. The main sources can be found in natural sunlight, fatty fish, eggs, cod liver oil and fortified cereals.
Besides the mentioned vitamins, following a healthy and well-balanced diet and exercising at least 3 times a week could also help you maintain a healthy heart. It is best to get a check-up with your healthcare provider every year to have an idea how your heart is doing. Live a longer and healthier life by doing all the necessary means in taking care of your entire body. Heart vitamins and minerals could just about do the trick to prevent serious heart problems in the mere future.
Thanks for sharing this wonderful tips. Apart from the mentioned one also need to keep their cholestrol low . Include “good fats” in your diet, like olive oil. Exercise everyday. It is important to do at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise.